On one night only, tonight, “Shut Up and Play the Hits” showed up in theaters across the country.  Not all theaters, mind you; not ALL across the country either, but I guess in select cities.  Luckily, Seattle was one of those cities.  And Cinerama was one of those theaters.

So, it’s not like I could NOT go.  I mean, I think it’s safe to say that LCD Soundsystem is easily my favorite rock band of the last decade.  Granted, part of that is due to the fact that I’m just not up on what’s good anymore.  I’ve been out of college for the extreme bulk of the past ten years, and for whatever reason, that means I have lost touch.  Of course, it’s not like there have been all that many great bands to come out in the last decade either.  Let’s face it, the competition wasn’t all that high.

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The Bands I Grew Up With

August 30, 2011

I’m convinced I’m going to get a little older and I’m going to forget everything I used to know.  Alzheimer’s doesn’t necessarily run in my family (as far as I know), but I have a poor memory as it is.  If I don’t chronicle these types of things, they’ll be lost forever.

One day, I’d like to look back on my writing – having forgotten everything I’ve ever experienced and ever written about – and smile with a twinkle in my eye.  Oh yeah, I remember that …

Here’s a list of bands I grew up adoring.  My musical heyday ranges from probably 1988 through probably 1994.  Oh sure, bands have come after; just like I eventually came to appreciate bands that came before.  But, this window, this is where it’s at.

These bands aren’t necessarily my FAVORITE bands, but they’re among them.  And some of them probably are.  I’m using my iPod to help out with this, because if I tried to go off of my memory alone, I’d surely leave out a few.

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